Customization and transparency, two keys to increase the reading of commercial messages

Past the pitfall of deliverability, the professional email campaign must now fulfill objectives of loyalty, opening rate and action to improve the commercial performance of the issuer. In order to increase the reading of messages by the recipients, two main points should be emphasized: transparency in the identification and content of e-mail, to create a communication based on trust, and personalization of the mailings in order to fully exploit the prospects base.

The importance of the content of your newsletter

In a context of bulk spam, improving the rate of opening depends closely on the identification of the sender and the promise of the message.

Leaving the unique sender e-mail address is not enough and it's advisable to choose a perfectly explicit title for the sender, possibly in the form of a fictitious correspondent.

The subject of the email should be concise and incentive, without capitalization or exclamation. Its coherence with the body of the message is essential to have the recipient make an intuitive action.

The need for email customization

to increase the commercial attractiveness of the message, a permanent match between the content sent and the needs of the target is necessary. From the targeted marketing goals, it's appropriate to segment the prospect base into small populations, each of which will benefit from a particular emailing strategy. The insertion of the first or last name of the contact in the subject and body of the email will complete this personalization.

Other factors, such as frequency and scheduling, also act as levers to improve the rate of message opening.

See also:

-The power of loyalty through email marketing, teaching figures

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