FAQ organized by category

Deliveries management

How to avoid falling the SPAM folder?

Avoiding Spam Filters First of all, the management of spam mail isn't an...

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Why there is no newsletter sent to my mailbox when I send a “test” campaign?

The problem comes for sure from the fact that you send the message to yourself (on the...

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Is it normal to receive delivery status notifications?

Yes, this is normal. However, these notifications do not mean that the newsletter was not sent. Multiple...

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Can I schedule my Email Campaign?

Yes, you can schedule your email campaigns thanks to the “Sending date” option in the “Sending’s” tab....

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Is there a daily sending limit?

No Daily Sending Limit 

No, the quantity of deliveries is not limited. The only limitation is set by the number of available credits. 

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Is it possible to add an additional sender email addresses?

To add a sender email address Yes, you can add more addresses that...

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Some messages sent on your own domain name are not received.

Not receiving some of the messages sent from your own domain name The...

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How can I cancel a scheduled sending ?

How to cancel a scheduled campaign To cancel a scheduled sending, go into...

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How to Avoid Anti-Spam Filters?

Learn how to avoid anti-spam filters    There can...

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Is there a way to test my SPAM level?

Check your Spam Level Mailpro provides you with a handy little utility: spam...

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How to Reduce Your Score with SpamAssassin?

How to Reduce Your Score with SpamAssassin?   In...

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How long does it take to be removed from a blacklist?

The timeframe for removal can vary based on the blacklist operator and the severity of the blacklisting. Removal may occur...

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What are the consequences of being blacklisted?

Being blacklisted can have several significant consequences for email senders, including: Reduced Email Deliverability: One of the most immediate consequences of being...

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How often should I check my email metrics for blacklisting signs?

The frequency of monitoring your email deliverability metrics for signs of blacklisting depends on various factors, including the volume of emails...

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Is there a difference between a spam blacklist and a DNS-based blacklist?

Yes, there is a difference between being on a spam blacklist and a DNS-based blacklist, although the terms are sometimes...

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What is graymail, and how is it different from spam?

Graymail refers to emails that are technically legitimate and sent with the recipient's permission, but they may no longer be...

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How can I prevent my emails from being considered graymail?

To prevent your emails from being considered graymail, follow these best practices: Segment your audience: Ensure you're sending content that’s relevant...

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