An intuitive interface and plenty of themes to create quality newsletters

Each newsletter communication must be unique and differentiating to become effective. Mailpro accompanies you in the creation of your emailing campaign, with an online software whose simple and intuitive interface and high quality user-friendly themes.

With Mailpro, all jobs will get an adapted email

Each activity has to communicate to the targeted customers or prospects with a maximum of personalization. If your customers know how to appreciate the quality of your work, they will validate the reception of your newsletter, thnaks to its professional look, its colors, and containing the information that they are looking for. We propose many themes adapted to each trade. With an efficient and refined design, they will satisfy the most demanding audience. And if that's not enough, we have designed a powerful and intuitive interface that will offer you a wide range of additional possibilities to create the informational or prospection newsletter you want.

Hotel Email Marketing Software

A hotel is not limited to a bed. It works on an effective marketing communication in a continuous matter and can use the power of newsletters to build loyalty but also to prospect.

Restaurant Email Marketing Software

To run a restaurant means doing non-stop communication. The newsletter answers provide a solution to many communication problems by guaranteeing efficiency, simplicity and an attentive listener.

Municipality Email Marketing Software

Web-based Municipality Email Marketing is often neglected while, paradoxically, the citizens are very keen for information. Why not use a simple and powerful system of newsletter creation to satisfy everyone?

Festival Email Marketing Software

From one year to the next, the public tends to disperse. The newsletter reminds everyone of the dates, but also the program of a festival .

Real Estate Agency Email Marketing Software

How to properly inform prospects who wish to buy a property ? The newsletter seems right. Easy and convenient, it allows catalog design in just a few clicks.

E-Commerce Email Marketing Software

The great difficulty on the web in the field of e-commerce to attract,retain and develop an audience. A problem that an email campaign solves with a god level of success.

Theater Email Marketing Software

To keep your public informed of events organized in theater, concert hall or auditorium nothing beats a newsletter

Email Marketing Software & Email Automation

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