Mailpro Training Videos

Discover emailling with Mailpro via training video.
We invite you to watch 19 video tutorials in order to get acquainted and to master the various functionalities of Mailpro.
From the writing of the message, through the creation of an address book, to the sending and the statistics of campaigns, you will see how everything is easy with Mailpro.

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Mailpro Training Videos

Learn how to create your first newsletter

Once the decision has been taken to focus your communication on an email campaign, and reflected on the content of your first newsletter, it is time to move on to the production. In order to create a customized e-mail, Mailpro offers many tools for advertisers which will provide a step-by-step guide for the structure of their future email marketing campaign before integrating their information.

Use our template creator

Use our template creator

Tips on the content of your message

Achieving effective professional email marketing campaign, especially in terms of deliverability and opening rates, can not be improvised. Follow the advice and the tricks provided by Mailpro, which deal with technical elements like formatting of the messages, assures to have treated the most common difficulties. The issuer thus has a step-by-step guide to create effective marketing campaigns.

How to create a good message

How to avoid the SPAM folder

What you should not put into your content

Tips on the content of your message

How to improve the deliverability of your campaigns

The deliverability of your emails is one of the most important criteria of an email campaign. Deliverability is the ability of an emailing to be routed from its sender to its recipient, all in a timely manner and in full. Deliverability therefore expresses the fact of establishing contact with prospects.

A good deliverability thus guarantees that the emails have been received inbox and are able then to be opened or clicked. It is therefore a real economic stake for your campaign: sending out emails that do not reach your recipients will be very costly and unnecessary, and no ROI. In addition, emails that are not received in inbox make your campaign strategy ineffective and undermine your marketing efforts.

10 things to know about deliverability

10 things to know about deliverability

Learn how to use automatic emails

Automated emails are an interesting tool in the world of the Internet and will allow you to save time, communicate intelligently with your email database, revive your database, and much more.

Automated emails are an interesting tool in the world of the Internet and will allow you to save time, communicate intelligently with your email database, revive your database, and much more.

For example, you can send an email to send birthday wishes to your client, send a welcome email to a person who subscribes to your newsletter, which is also known as autoresponder. Send an Email when a customer clicks on the link of your site or a link from your newsletter, an automatic email following an action. You can, for example, also send an email two days after an action. Or configure other types of automatic emails as you see fit... It's easy with Mailpro.

Wish 'Happy Birthday'

Welcome someone

Learn how to use automated emails

Learn how to integrate Mailpro into your APPS

Our Email Marketing API based on REST offers you the possibility to link your applications with Mailpro.

Whether for the newsletter service or for tracking your campaigns, our Email Marketing API allows you to extend the functionality of their applications by integrating email marketing components to enhance your experience.

In addition, developers can use our API to integrate email marketing features into their applications, thereby creating a competitive difference that will lead to additional revenues.

With our API, you have access to all the Mailpro features in a hosted mode on our servers

What you can do with our API

What you can do with our API

Email Marketing Software & Email Automation

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