FAQ organized by category

SMS marketing

Find all country codes here

Send SMS easily with Mailpro Phone Country Codes are necessary to place an international phone call or to send an international...

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How to Import your SMS Phone List?

Import your phone list easily with Mailpro You...

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How to personalize your SMS?

Personalizing your SMS it's easy with Mailpro There are two ways to personalize your text messages. First of all, when uploading...

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What is the MSISDN format?

What is MSISDN used for? MSISDN means Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number and it’s a number used to...

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How to send an Email to SMS?

Transform your email to SMS easily with Mailpro If you want to transform an email into an SMSall you have to...

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How to Schedule an SMS Campaign?

Schedule SMS in Advance with Mailpro With our Scheduling SMS Functionality you can stay on top of your SMS campaigns by organizing...

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How to use Mailpro to send SMS?

How to Find your SMS Contacts? - To see your contacts you need...

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What are the regulations when sending SMS in France?

Before initiating SMS campaigns in France, it is crucial to understand the regulations governing messaging in the...

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SMS Regulations for Germany

Before initiating SMS campaigns in Germany, it is essential to understand the regulations governing messaging in the...

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SMS Regulations for Belgium

Before initiating SMS campaigns in Belgium, it is crucial to understand the regulations governing messaging in the...

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SMS Regulations for Canada

Note: Effective November 13th, 2022, new legislation from the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) will be in...

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SMS Regulations for Panama

Before you start sending SMS messages to Panama, please ensure that you understand the regulations around messaging...

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SMS Regulations for Australia

Understanding the complex laws governing SMS messaging in Australia is crucial, as there are many restrictions on...

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SMS Regulations in Brazil

Before initiating the sending of SMS messages to Brazil, there are a few considerations to be aware...

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SMS Regulations in Colombia

Before commencing the sending of SMS messages to Colombia, it is essential to comprehend the regulations governing...

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SMS Regulations in Italy

Before initiating the sending of SMS messages to Italy, it is crucial to understand the regulations governing...

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SMS Regulations in Mexico

Before initiating the sending of SMS messages to Mexico, please ensure that you understand the regulations governing...

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SMS Regulations in Peru

Before initiating the sending of SMS messages to Peru, please ensure that you understand the regulations governing...

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Local Laws and Restrictions on SMS Campaigns

Before you begin sending your SMS campaigns, it is crucial to understand the regulations surrounding messages in...

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