Positive opinions from customers, sources of new contacts and commercial messages

The high quality of the offer and of the company brand image naturally encourage satisfied customers to share their positive experience with their loved ones. This phenomenon of recommendation is emblematic of the social dimension acquired by the Internet. It can be easily used to obtain a file of contacts to be prospected by sending messages as part of professional emailing. As with sponsorship, the only constraints are the methods of encouraging clients to share their opinion and in authorized communication.

Encourage user recommendations

The materialization of the positive feeling of customers remains one of the main difficulties when collecting addresses for an email contact list. To exploit the viral and spontaneous characteristic of this form of communication, it is important to multiply the possibilities of playful and gratifying straightfoward expression, in the form of buttons, links or banners. Placed on the website or in the commercial messages of the company, the latter will lead to a lighter module of contact capture.

Limits to commercial email marketing

A charter of good conduct, conceived by the French Union of Direct Marketing and approved by the CNIL, controls the use of the contact file obtained by recommendations. In order to respect the absence of approval by the recipient of commercial canvassing via his or her e-mail address, the emailing must take the form of a single message. The sender is also obliged to mention the name of the person who issued the notice. To easily identify prospects that are truly interested, it is advisable to use this e-mail to obtain the explicit consent of the recipient.

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