Building your own contact database makes it easy to send relevant messages

To create an emailing and associated messages, it is primordial to have a file of prospects. A simple and cost-effective solution aims to create your own contact database. This method uses proven methods such as contests, affiliations, sponsorships, registrations or social recommendations.

The advantages of creating your own email contact list

To create your own contact database makes it possible to identify prospects with a very controlled cost while having data closely related to the activity of the advertiser.

Because buying or renting highly qualified files can quickly turn out to be very expensive, a sender wishing to launch regular campaigns should turn to in-house email address collection. This will allow the issuer to concentrate his or her budget on deliverability and the ability to convert the message. It will also strengthen client knowledge through the gathering of socio-demographic, geographic or behavioral data.

Simple methods to create your email contact list

To ensure the recruitment of its prospects, the company has a array of possibilities, which can be used as a complement to target populations who display very different characteristics.

Very popular, contests and games create a favorable perception of the sender and offer a perfectly accepted means by internet users to collect opt-in addresses and marketing information. Simpler but equally effective, the registration of visitors to a newsletter and the viral recommendation make it easy to exploit the social dimension of a site and the power of a brand. Sponsorship and affiliation facilitate membership through a moderate monetary reward.

Use a contest to easily and quickly create an email contact list

Extremely attractive on the web market, a contest allows to rapidly capture a large number of client files in view of future prospections.

Subscription to a newsletter is an effective recruitment tool

Offering your customers and readers to subscribe to your newsletter is still the easiest way to build a quality email contact list over time. Mailpro offers plugins adapted to the main CMSs and shops of the market.

Use sponsorship to create or complete your email contact list

Le Sponsorship propose à votre fichier existant d’inviter d’autres cibles à les rejoindre, moyennant un avantage à vos services ou une autre gratification.

Use affiliation to easily create an email contact list

Offer to other content publishers to affiliate themselves to your brand by proposing the subscription to your newsletter to their own lists is a good method of acquiring prospects.

Recommendations are an effective solution for building an email contact list

Obtaining recommendations on the part of your customers is undoubtedly the royal way to obtain a client file intended for emailing. Based on the expressed level of satisfaction and the desire to make your site known, they remain difficult to obtain, but offer the best prospects.

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