Creating emails thanks to our intuitive interface

During the creation of a newsletter, the obstacle most frequently found by advertisers is a lack of knowledge in HTML programming and the difficulty of finding time to learn it and then to use it. This is the reason why Mailpro provides everyone with an automatic newsletter generator with several features that enables you to make your newsletters quickly and intuitively.

The automatic newsletter generator, for quick professional creations

This tool offered by Mailpro as a Wysiwyg editor enables you to no longer waste time during the creation of an email. Without sacrificing quality to improve speed, the newsletter generator can create professional looking emails without requiring any advanced knowledge in data processing or in HTML programming.

It has got many very precise features that enable you to work without constraints and to create the newsletter that corresponds to each user :

  • Intuitively add text blocks, image blocks, buttons and links thanks to the drag-and-drop technique (drag & drop)

  • Resize your cells thanks to the mouse

  • Automatically adapt image size to cell size

  • Easily create "call-to-action" buttons that will increase the click-through rate of the newsletter

  • Manage your text styles and your design more simply. This can be done more thoroughly in the text editor

  • You can use more than 600 ready-to-use templates and more than 25 ready-to-use frameworks, and you can also import HTML files so as to stop wasting time with newsletter design or formatting

How can one create a professional newsletter in 5 minutes ?

A company with reduced financial means can be frightened by the time required by the creation of a newsletter. It is for this reason that Mailpro enables advertisers to create their emails in just a few minutes thanks to its automatic generator, its text editor and its ready-to-use templates and frameworks.

Do you need help to create your newsletters ?

In addition to an interface designed for be intuitive and easy to access, Mailpro offers its users several media to guide them through the creation of their newsletters. A complete FAQ, an email marketing guide and many tutorial videos on the software enable you to freely master the theory and practice of web communication. There are also paid solutions thanks to which you can benefit from trainings, by phone or in the company, dispensed by a Mailpro expert.

Do you need to restyle your newsletter ?

Sometimes, during the creation of a newsletter, advertisers make a few errors in general design and prospects complain of them. The structure of an email can also become obsolete over time. Thanks to the 600 professional templates and to the 25 professional frameworks, the users of Mailpro find many current sources of inspiration to easily reinvent their own newsletter templates and make them more modern.

Email Marketing Software & Email Automation

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