The messages of the newsletter must contain elements that the law makes compulsory

The various legislations, particularly the European and the North-American ones, rate or don't rate the sendings of commercial newsletter as "spam" depending on the respect of a certain number compulsory elements closely linked to the right to privacy. These provisions involve the addressees of the newsletter, who have to be recruited in "opt-in" mode, and also the very content of the message, which will have to mention the methods of management of the Internet users' personal data.

The addressees of the newsletter limited by the legislation

Newsletter sending requires the specific recruitment of a subscriber group in opt-in mode to avoid a quick reporting of the sender as spammer".».

This collection is based on the collection of the prior, free and completely enlightened consent of the Internet user during registration at the newsletter. This stage will have to particularly detail the use of the various requested data and also the way they might be transferred to a third party. The legislation will often demand the declaration of this contact file to organisations who ensure the respect of privacy, like the CNIL in France.

The form of the newsletter is supervised by the legislation

Most legislations consider that email address is a personal data item and endeavour to make sure that the addressee of a sending benefits from the basic rights of access, modification or unsubscription.

Consequently, it is important for the sender to insert a clear, explicit unsubscription link in his messages and also clarifications on the methods of management of the collected information. These elements must be set in a visible place at the beginning or at the end of the content to make action easy and they must have real effect.

You may also discover :

- Some advice to avoid having your email marketing campaigns blacklisted

- Calculating the return on investment of an email campaign, a necessity

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