While it is bad not to be able to land in your potential customers’ inbox, it is worse to lose an existing customer. “We miss you,” “Where have you been?” “Long time, no see” are magical phrases that help you show your customers that you appreciate their loyalty to shop, and it makes your brand surface their mind more often. Two birds, one arrow. 

And while we say this, we want you to know that it costs 5x more to acquire a potential customer than to keep an existing one. So you must know the dos and don’ts of digital marketing solutions to attract the traffic of potential customers and make the existing ones loyal. The number one priority for any brand is to have a long-lasting relationship with their customers. Just making them subscribe to you isn’t enough; you will have to nurture them so that they hold onto your brand and patronize it. 

Thought for the day:

Just birthday wishes do not fetch you brand-loyal customers.

If you think that sending superfluous emails every week will help you retain your customers, then we are sorry, my friend, it doesn’t. Yeah, but it will get you one thing for sure, a free trip to their spam box!

So before you get over this setback and think of other flop resorts to engage your targeted audience, we present you with a fail-proof idea to develop and maintain healthy relationships with your customer. And it is Milestone emails. Tadaa!

Send triggered emails dedicated to an exclusive and specific milestone, and that is it. Your job is done.

Well, partly. That said if you are thinking of sending customized, beautifully designed birthday or anniversary emails, there is a little caveat with it that it worked in the medieval period of marketing. Okay, we won’t exaggerate; actually it worked decades ago, not in 2020.

Your Brand Needs to Do More than Just Say a Happy Birthday Message

We mean it is fine if you want your customer to remember your brand once in a year because this is what birthdays and anniversaries are- once in a year thing. What do you do for the rest of the 364 days? The bad news is, this will not help you generate more revenue and return on investment for your brand. It is an excellent call to show your customer that you value and care for their interest on special days, but make the special day more frequent.  

Here, we are unboxing what your milestone marketing campaigns need to do to get that extraaaa oomph!

However, before we dive in, we first want you to look at how we define customer milestone campaigns.

What’s a Milestone Email?

In this instalment of unveiling the digital marketing programs critical for success, we bring you a customer milestone emailing solution. Your brand celebrates all the events of your customers’ progress towards a goal they have for themselves. And that’s why they are always a hit!

You know customers are like babies who need attention, or they are lost. It is a metaphor, though. Customers are picky these days. They want their online experience to be personalized because too much data makes them overwhelming. However, if you personalize it just too much, they get creeped out. Now you must be wondering what the middle line is then. Here’s where a milestone-emailing toolkit gives your customer a nicely blended cocktail of attention and space for a tasteful online experience. 

Technically speaking, milestone marketing is a popular resort for subscription-based companies like ride-sharing or fitness. Still, an expert’s opinion is that they work fine for any ongoing service or product of recurring use. 

Milestone emails are not just automated emails or short reminders, but a part of the lifecycle routine. These triggered emails are highly personalized for each customer and should have the right time of entry, just like a hero, to save your brand from being sublime. Now you know why they say that not all heroes wear capes!

Sending these milestone emails on specific occasions dramatically augments responses and sales rate by 15%. How cool, right? However, be cautious enough and choose specific events wisely. It should include birthdays and anniversaries but should not be limited to it. We will get to the part of the right timing of milestone emailing later, but first, let's highlight more on what it puts in your bucket. 

A milestone email is a digital marketing style that inculcates a behavior-based email you might send to an existing customer. Take a moment in knowing that it’s designed to:

  • Connect with your customers and celebrate customer-hood.
  • Remind your customer that you value their existence.
  • Learn more about what is happening with your subscribers through their online-behavior
  • Increase the likeliness to make them continue using your product/service
  • Enjoy celebrating and honoring your or their milestone, their special days and anniversaries. 
  • Generate a “community vibe” as it often leads to more referrals and hence drives more traffic. 

 So pay due heed to reflect how important your audience's role is in your life and celebrate every special milestone in a meaningful way to make them continue to live with the heart as a loyal customer of your beloved brand products. 

While you are happy knowing about this digital marketing tool, let us get you more gen about the right timing of milestone emailing. 

When to Send Milestone Emails?

When a customer interacts with your brand, he undergoes several stages of the customer-lifecycle that makes him into a regular buyer from a new subscriber. You, as a brand, should consider each step of this lifecycle, from greeting your new subscriber with a welcome email to wake up the sleepy audience through a re-engagement program.  

The type of the email concludes the time it should be sent. According to the experts, weekly emails may appear too much, so quarterly sneak peeks in the customers’ inbox is a rational option. Otherwise, you can surely throw up emails now and then on their special days, for example, with a simple birthday greeting, or create some special days by yourself. We will tell you how to send what and when. Take a closer look.

  1. Birthdays, Anniversary or a Happy Month:

These are mandatory inclusions to celebrate customers’ progress towards another year, but staying within these lines is a foolish attempt if you want your brand to go further with milestones. Automated greetings on their special days are super easy to set up after you capture all the data.

Adding a discount or coupon is advisable as it augments purchase or sales rate by 480%. That is a magnificent figure.  

  1. Throw a Loyalty or Reward Winning Program:

Since you cannot rely on a once-a-year celebratory message for your brand value, you should often try to create more customer milestones through loyalty and rewarding programs. And when they reach a specific level or point, celebrate that milestone with them. What a friendly way to remind about your brand! 

  1. Keep Track of their Activity:

Another way to create and celebrate customer milestones is to keep track of their activity and online behavior. Based on what they did over a year, like the most listened genre of music, rides shared, or fitness records, you can make a chance to pop out in front of their eyes. 

  1. Relevant Offers:

You can always rely on this resort to slip in customer’s inbox. Who doesn’t like an offer? When you send a meaningful and customized offer, it not only engrosses your brand’s name but also fetches you more sales. Woohoo!

With this, we introduced you to a topic, customer milestone emailing, that you could use for brand marketing. However, that’s not all. We can also help you to pull out milestone emailing to engage your audience. We are pro at it. Mailpro is an expert in marketing, and we can help you to create, execute, and optimize branding campaigns through this and various other services. We are unparalleled marketers, so contact us to unveil the positive effects of a simple automated milestone emailing services for your brand.

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