Learning about one's prospects in order to adapt one's newsletter to their expectations

In the email marketing world, customising means success. Internet users don't like to receive generic newsletters that include content that does not meet their expectations. In order to involve them so that they feel concerned by an advertiser's communication, you must first adapt your message to their various expectations and then be able to associate a lot of additional information to every mail address to be able to send the right emails to the right prospects. This is where the customisable fields of MailPro come in.

The customisable fields offered by Mailpro

Mailpro suggests to advertisers to customise their newsletters thanks to 25 different fields. Thus, during the import of a client file, you can associate up to 25 information items to each mail address : for example, the surname and the first name of the prospect, his address, his phone number, his operating system, his Internet browser or else his mail box.

Then, these data will have two goals : on the one hand, being able to adapt the format of the newsletter to their hardware so as to avoid compatibility issues and, on the other hand, being able to customise the content of your emails so that each sending may be targeted and so that each Internet user may feel concerned while he is reading.

Inserting customised content in an email

During the creation of a newsletter with the text editor or in HTML, Mailpro enables the advertiser to add the locations of dynamic elements with one simple click. If you place the cursor of your mouse wherever you want and click on the corresponding icon, you'll be able to insert one of the 25 fields, which will automatically adapt to the addressee's address. Thesecustomised datacan be inserted into the body of the message or in its object. For example, if you add the "first name" field in the mail title, this will enable you to call the reader by naming him directly.

You may also discover :
- Mailpro and the management of the prospects who unsubscribe from the newsletter

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