Do you feel like your opening rate is too low or has been constantly decreasing? Its is probably time to change a couple of things inside your strategy. Here are some tips to help you

Make sure your subject line is catchy
Having a catchy subject line in your email can make all the difference when it comes to open rates. People tend to be drawn to eye-catching and interesting subject lines, so spending time crafting one that stands out will pay off in getting more people to click through and read your message. Additionally, your subject line should be informative but not too long – often people only read the first few words of the subject line before deciding whether or not to open an email. By putting thought into your subject lines, you can ensure that more people open your emails and engage with them.

Write quality content every single time
Quality content is essential in creating successful newsletters that have high open rates. Writing engaging and interesting content will draw people in, as well as making sure the information you are sharing is relevant to your subscribers. Additionally, by including visuals such as images or videos, you can capture attention and make your emails more visually appealing. Quality content will also keep readers engaged and encourage them to open future emails from you – so it’s important to invest time and effort into writing compelling messages that people want to read.
When creating a great content newsletter take into consideration
- Using call to action buttons in newsletters to convert better
- Personalize your newsletter to make your customers feel special
- Have a good image/text ratio for your newsletter

Find out what’s the best day and hour of the week to send your newsletter
Knowing the ideal time to send your newsletters is an important factor in increasing your open rates. Different audiences have different preferences, so it’s essential to identify the best day and hour of the week for your particular audience. You can do this by testing out different times and gauging the response from your readers – look at metrics such as open rate, click through rate and bounce rate to track performance for each time period. By finding out when your readers are most likely to open emails, you can ensure that more people read what you’re sending out, increasing engagement with your newsletter content.

Avoid Spam Filters
Might sound overrated but you won’t have good opening rates if your newsletters finish in the Spam folder. Make sure you follow some simple tips to avoid falling in the Spam folder. Also, before sending your newsletter you can check your spam content with Mailpro´s Spam Check

Make sure your newsletter is mobile friendly
Having a mobile responsive newsletter is essential in order to maximize your open rate. With the majority of emails being read on mobile devices, it’s important that your newsletter looks just as good on a smartphone or tablet as it does on a desktop computer. If your newsletter isn’t optimized for smaller screens, readers may have difficulty viewing the content, or find it too much effort to zoom in and out of messages. Investing in creating a mobile friendly version of your newsletter will ensure that no matter what device readers are using, they get an optimal experience and are more likely to open emails from you.