If you want to start building your contact list for email campaigns or increase the one you have, you are probably asking yourself where you should start, and how to get these email addresses. In this article we will tell you how to achieve it and how to obtain the correct ones.

Something very important that you must understand when getting contacts is that it is not about capturing contacts without any sense or objective. The main reason is to maintain contacts that can become your future customers. To achieve this, they must be people interested in your brand, product or service, to whom you will be to offer valuable content that encourages them to consume your products and build loyalty towards your brand.

Sending emails to contact lists that you don’t know for sure is not only a waste of money, but also a complete failure. Besides, you would risk having high rates of unsubscribes, bounces or staying in spam folders.

What you shouldn't do when creating contact lists?

If you had the idea of ​​buying email databases, we must tell you that this would be a big mistake. You should not even think about it, because there are compelling reasons to avoid this bad practice.

  1. It is Illegal
  2. It would greatly affect your deliverability

Having purchased email lists for emails and emailing people who are not interested in your products will not have good results. Maybe your email will be opened once, but then you will be ignored and marked as spam, or in the worst case reported to the authorities.

If you are lucky, users simply won’t pay attention to your emails, but who is really tired will mark them as Spam, and if this is done by many users it will greatly affect your reputation. Buying contacts is losing money.

Surely you have heard about the General Data Protection Regulation, because this regulation requires that you have proof that your contacts have accepted to subscribe to newsletters or contact lists and if you do not comply with the rules you could be sanctioned and penalized.

You can also read our article about "10 Email Marketing Mistakes you Need to Avoid".

How to create a strategy for the right contacts

Now that you realize how important is to have a good contact lists for email and why quality matters over quantity, we will give you tips to get subscribers who are actually interested in receiving your emails.

Include subscription forms in your pages

If your business has a web page, add subscription forms to it. You could add them on your homepage and inside your blog. Mailpro makes it easier for your users to register to the Newsletter from your website using the integrated Forms Generator from our application. In addition, you can connect to Mailpro through plugins for applications such as WordPress, Magento or Joomla.

Take advantage of your social networks

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn are great allies to attract qualified contacts. You can create advertising campaigns where you can get data from new contacts. Of course, you should invest some amount to reach the right candidates. Use social network ads to promote your blog posts, business promotions, or advertising campaigns so your followers can join your email contact list.

Take advantage of value content

Another way is to offer content that provides value to your visitors from a blog or email campaigns. The content of this newsletter should be relevant and very interesting. There are no limits to having ideas when generating content. Share your content on social networks and always invite your readers to learn more about you by subscribing to your newsletters.

Promotions and exclusive discounts

If you have an email, you can create a special offer for those who subscribe to your newsletter. Take advantage of every opportunity you have to highlight the added value you can offer for customers who subscribe to your email contact lists.

Discounts always catch the customer’s attention and you can use this resource during special dates, such as Christmas, summer, Valentine's Day or in sale season.

Generate contests

Create an original contest so that your customers are encouraged to register and even share it with their friends through social networks. This way you could generate an extensive list of contacts. This resource can be applied digitally or in a traditional way.

Create activities to get contacts

Generating contacts is also possible to be done offline. In addition to connecting with your brand interested and publicizing the benefits of your products personally, you are creating a network of contacts really committed to your product or service.

There are platforms that allow you to create calls for events such as:

  • Specialized workshops
  • Networking events
  • Masterclasses

By combining these tips and coming up with your own strategy you can create an email database for a clean and safe email contact list. Stay away from purchased email contact lists and use professional tools when sending your email campaigns.

At Mailpro we care about keeping our customer's data safe. Our data is supported by the Swiss data protection laws. Start creating your email contact lists with the trust and security offered by Mailpro.

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