When configuring the SMTP Relay server to your email or application, it is common for doubts to arise about which email ports to use. So, what kind of ports should you use? Which are safe and secure? In this article we will briefly summarize which ports you can use to send emails through the SMTP Mailpro servers.

The Simple Email Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the basic standard used by email servers and some applications or services that support SMTP relay. With regards to "storing and forwarding", the SMTP Protocol is responsible for the transfer of emails by working directly with an email transfer agent to send the communication from the computer to the recipient's inbox.

The connection ports are the communication points through which the transfer of all data and communications takes place, each of these has a particular purpose as well as being associated with a specific protocol. An SMTP port is the specific part of the internet address that is used to transfer emails.

The common standard SMTP ports are 25, 465, 587 or 2525. Mailpro offers you the standard SMTP ports 25 and 587 to perform the mail transfer.

 SMTP server providers such as Mailpro have been concerned with investing in the creation of infrastructures for the relay of emails to large volumes and strictly monitoring the security of the relay process in order not to allow junk traffic that affects the SMTP exchange process.

Ports 25 or 587, which of the two to use?

Port 25, the original standard

Many of the emails sent are routed through port 25, which becomes the communication channel between the email client and the email server. The IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) recognizes port 25 as the default standard port for mail transfer between servers through a point-to-point connection. Its connection to the SMTP server is produced by text commands sent from the SMTP server. This is the default port, but, when used extensively, it is also more susceptible to large amounts of spam and unwanted traffic.

Port 25 is still used primarily for SMTP relay, but more and more Internet providers (ISPs) are restricting the use of port 25 due to its widespread use for spam. Many ISPs and service providers restrict connections to port 25 to reduce the number of spam emails.

Port 587, safe harbor

Port 587 is another port for SMTP sending compatible with most servers and recognized for the safe sending of your emails through the SMTP port. It is recommended that when configuring your SMTP connection, to use this port as default to send your emails securely and thus ensure that all messages reach their destination.

With Mailpro, you can work from ports 25 and 587, which are the standard ports and subsequently, you will not having to perform an encryption and decryption task, making everything much easier. Through the authentication of the SMTP Mailpro Server, you ensure the unique access to your SMTP Server Mailpro, once you have done the configuration of our SMTP server you will not have to perform a reconfiguration on each connection.

Keep in mind that before selecting the SMTP Server service for your company, it is essential that you take some details into account such as:

Scalability: The scalability of a server is essential for a growing business, it is important that it can be adjusted to the needs of your company as the number of customers or users increases.

Messages Metrics: In Mailpro we make sure that the statistics for SMTP server show you the number of messages delivered, opening percentages, click percentages and you can also verify the bounce rate of your deliveries.

Simple Integration: An SMTP Relay server helps you create much simpler processes so it is much easier to configure.

Support when you need it: You cannot disregard the advantage of having a reliable support team. Having a team that is always present to help you solve all doubts about installation, shipping processes etc. can be a life saver.

Authentication and protection: Exclusive security passwords for the installation of your server in each software or application you use. SMTP authentication is configured to increase security levels and prevent your account from being used without authorization to send SPAM emails.

High deliverability: Mailpro SMTP servers are fully suited to support large shipping volumes, and you can also enjoy high delivery capacity when installing SPF or DKIM for better delivery.

The Mailpro SMTP Relay service offers you the advantage of sending all the transactional or commercial messages you need. In addition, you will have access to the statistics of the SMTP server for deliveries and  the opening, click-through, and bounce rates of your emails.

Learn how sending through the SMTP Relay server can be useful for your company. Find more information by accessing the Mailpro SMTP Relay functionalities to learn more about all the benefits.

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