For many Marketing specialists it is almost a norm to say that email marketing campaigns should always be sent between Tuesday and Thursday in the morning hours. But, in some cases, even the least expected day can be successful.

You should know that there are no formulas that make sending email a success, the most important thing is that you know your audience and try to make a preliminary analysis of their behavior. The clients will not always have the same routines or will be willing to open an email at the exact same time; so you should primarily take into account the business sphere you work within, and the product or service that represents your brand, to choose the best days.

 If you want to know which are the best days to send an email marketing campaign, in this article we will give you some tips.

How to choose the perfect day for your email campaign?

For many, it is normal to make deliveries during weekdays, between the days of Tuesday and Thursday. The reason they say this, is because these are the days when most people are in front of their computers, in their offices and with the best disposition to open an email. As we told you before, there will always be variations depending on the sector or country in which  you want to run your campaign.

  • There are some reasons given by different studies on the most suitable days of the week to make your delivers, these are:

Monday, the least attractive day: It is considered the worst day to send a mail campaign. This is because during the weekend, many emails are received that are not opened and it is likely that early Monday is the ideal time for people to clean their inbox. However, it is the day of the week that your subscribers are most focused in their emails, so if you use all your creativity in creating an attractive subject line, you could attract your user’s attention.


Tuesday, one of the most appropriate days: After doing their weekend cleaning, Tuesday is one of the days when the user will have the most time to check new mail. You must bear in mind that many of the companies will be able to make their delivers this same day, so it is recommended that you send your email marketing campaign first thing in the morning, to be among the first emails of the day.


Wednesday and Thursday, the best days: The days that are approaching the end of the week are considered the best days to send an email marketing campaign. It is the time where many people begin to plan and learn about activities and offers for the weekend.

For some, Wednesdays can be an inadequate day, because it is the week’s hump day; the one with the most work. This can only be detected by testing your delivers and thus learning to recognize how your user behaves.


Friday, the day with the least attention: With Fridays, something similar to Mondays can happen. It is the end of the labor week and a day in which we are only concentrated on completing all our tasks and in planning the weekend. So it is likely that not much time is spent watching promotional emails.

But, if you are looking to communicate offers or plans for the weekend, this day you can be perfect, considering you take into account the quality of the content, and the possibility of sending it during afternoon hours when the weekday is about to end.


Weekends, not to be ignored: Due to the widespread use of mobile devices, a change has been made to the idea that weekends are the least enticing days to open a promotional email because now users are permanently connected and can read their mail at any time and place.

How to define the best time to send an email marketing campaign?

  • Do all possible tests

The best recommendation is to always try and improve, take into account what type of product or service you have, how your market behaves; this data can help you to try to define an appropriate time. When thinking about your strategy, plan to send it  in different days and hours, try to mix it up, sending a mail campaign on Tuesday and the next one maybe on a Sunday. Always check your statistical reports after a delivery from which you will obtain the most valuable information for getting to know your audience.

  • Create a Delivery Calendar

Based on total clicks, and your opening rate, a calendar is created where you can group the data of each deliver so you know which campaign that you programmed had best results, based on your previous tests.

  • Quality Content

We cannot help but remind you of how important it is to offer relevant and quality content to your subscribers. You may have defined the ideal day and time to send your email marketing campaign, but if you fail to capture the attention of your user by offering content relevant to them, it is unlikely that you will get your client to open the mail.

Do not forget to generate subject lines that summon attention and use professional platforms such as Mailpro, that help you avoid messages going to the Spam folder.

Finding the best day to send a marketing campaign by email will be defined by the type of company or service, as well as by the public to whom your product or services are directed. Always do the tests and go defining what best fits your business.

Use a professional email marketing platform and ensure the delivery of all your emails. Create an account in Mailpro and receive 500 free credits to make your first deliver.



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