Avoiding Spam Filters

First of all, the management of spam mail isn't an exact science. The deliverability or non-deliverability of a message depends on tangible factors but also on subjective factors. Broadly speaking, there are three types of filters:

  • The filter that focuses on the mailing address (the IP address of the outgoing server). At this level, we guarantee that our IPs are good quality ones and constantly monitored.
  • The second filter is the domain name. During your first sending, in the spam folder, you shall see whether your domain is banned or not. If it is banned, you can contact us and we will most likely suggest that you use another domain name.
  • The third filter involves the content of your newsletter.

The setting of the anti-spam filters of the server domains is personal and depends on companies' and Internet access providers' security policies and on individuals' personal settings. As a consequence, what is spam mail for someone may not be spam mail for other people.

A few basic rules to follow :

  • Ask your contacts to add your mailing addresses to their email address books. Your mailing address will then be in your correspondents' "white lists".
  • Try to customize your messages as much as you can by using dynamic fields. A message sent personally with “Dear Mr. Smith” is much more likely to get through the filters.
  • Avoid sending a message with images only. A text / image ratio of 50 % is ideal.
  • Avoid using different fonts in your message.
  • Don't insert any script or iFrame in your message. Besides, when the message is being saved, a warning message shall tell you that there is a script or an iFrame. Use the "search" function of your browser to find the script in your message (using the editor's source mode).
  • Don't use too much bold or underlined text in your message.
  • Avoid words such as “New”, “sales”, “%”, “Offers”, “Test”, etc.
  • Check that your domain name and related email are not blacklisted owing to an excess of unsolicited mail.

Some filters are more sensitive than others. An email that gets through the usual checks on one domain / server may not be treated in the same way on another domain / server.

On our side, we take all necessary measures to ensure that your message is delivered in the best conditions.

With Mailpro, you can test your message with our “checkspam” tool to get a glimpse of the quality of your message for incoming boxes.

To access checkspam:

- Go to the “Message” tab
- Then click on the “checkspam” button
- Finally, “test” your message with the email address you will be sending it to.

You will also find temporary undelivered emails in the "soft bounce" badmails of your campaign statistics.

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