Learn the difference between single opt-in and double opt-in with Mailpro

With the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it is essential that you obtain proof of consent from your subscribers before sending mass emails with Mailpro.

There are currently 2 simple ways to do this process with Mailpro: the single Opt-in and the Double Opt-in.

Now: What is the difference between the single Opt-in and the Double Opt-in?

The single Opt-in is when a potential client subscribes to you newsletters through a form to receive information. It is a unique and simple process.

The double acceptance or double Opt-in is very similar to the single Opt-in but has one more step. Potential clients subscribe to your form, and then receive an email, where they have to confirm their sign up. This process will help you have a clean address book, increase your reputation as a sender and have a more participatory audience in general.

To use this functionality, you can see the detailed information in the following link: Use Double Opt-in


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