Having a particular server address improves the reputation of the sender of newsletters and commercial messages

The technical configuration of an email marketing, whether the sending of a campaign of commercial messages or the regular distribution of a newsletter, is based on the easy identification of the issuer by the ISP. This is based in particular on the choice of fixed IP servers, which, thanks to their address uniqueness, make it possible to take advantage of the reputation acquired during previous routings of newsletters. It also represents an important link with other elements of deliverability, such as the SFP field or DNS consistency.

The fixed IP, an identification element of the transmitter

To determine if the sender of an email is a "spammer", ISPs use an initial identification process based on the IP of the sending server. The latter is compared to blacklists or a history of behavior, with a possible sanction being the rejection of the newsletter or the campaign. A policy-aware issuer must therefore keep his or her IP pool from one emailing to another.

The fixed IP, a component of the correct configuration of an emailing server

In this context, it is necessary, by assigning one or more fixed IPs, to define the servers exclusively responsible for sending newsletters and other marketing messages. Ensuring the correct technical configuration of these devices proves to be paramount in order to avoid the triggering of anti-spam filters by detecting inconsistencies. Particular attention will be paid to the DNS as well as to the SFP and DKIM fields of the addressing.

See also

- The SPF, a standard of mailings, and a measure against spam

- The DNS, the system for link the IP address and the domain name

- What are the rules for email deliverability during an email campaign?

- Compliance with the rules of ISPs when sending an email campaign

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