Managing unsubscriptions from newsletters and messages, a regulatory and marketing requirement

The unsubscription process from a newsletter allows prospects to show their desire not to receive messages within the context of professional email marketing campaigns. Mandatory, this unsubscription procedure from address files. Is often regulated in its form. But it can be exploited in an effort to improve the marketing performance of the newsletter.

The unsubscription procedure, a regulated element of email marketing

If the recipient has generally opt-in to receive messages, his or her authorization is not permanent. At all times, most regulations, particularly in Europe, allow him or her, in the name of respect for privacy, to remove his or her address from the mailing list of the newsletter and the various associated databases. This right to opt-out is effected through an  unsubscription link , easily visible in each message. In some countries, such as Canada, the law requires that the application be dealt with within a specific time.

The unsubscription procedure, an integral component of email marketing

Paradoxically, unsubscribing from a newsletter reinforces the effectiveness of subsequent email campaigns. It allows professionals to have a base of prospects who are truly interested and offers an optimization of technical and financial resources.

It also helps to build a favorable image of the issuer, perceived as respecting the rights of citizens, and avoids the disastrous impact of a classification of messages as SPAM by the recipients.

The unsubscription procedure can also be used to gather the opinion of willing users, by forms or surveys, to possibly modify elements of the emailing.

See also:

- Create your email contact list internally, a simple and cost-effective solution

- The rental of addresses, a handy tool for professional emailing

- The sale of email addresses, a way to strengthen email marketing campaigns

- The legislation regarding email address files, a regulation that concerns emailing

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