Essential rules to respect when buying contact lists for the commercial transmission of messages

Very marginal compared to the rental of contact files, the sale of email addresses makes it possible to create or complete, for a single investment, a base of prospects for future professional message campaigns. Due to the manipulation of personal data, it requires respect in regards to the legislation associated with email marketing, while an optimized marketing and financial approach must guide the purchase.

WARNING, if you buy email addresses, you first have the file tested by our support team before routing them to Mailpro. Good files are rare and they often resemble SPAM and we have to refuse the maiiings.

Ensure that the sale of addresses is in accordance with the law

The use of email files lists s strictly governed by the regulations concerning personal data and engages the responsibility of the buyer, who, before finalizing the transaction, must verify several points. The collection has the obligation to obtain the prior consent of the contacts, in a strict "opt-in" procedure and with transparent information on the rights to access and suppression guaranteed to each citizen. It is also necessary to have proof of the approval of the prospects for a possible transfer of their details to a third party.

The sale of addresses, a conditional accelerator of email marketing

Faced with the promises of some brokers, we must not let ourselves be dazzled and should instead focus on building quality email campaigns. The latter are commonly based on segmentation and differentiation of addresses, based on the marketing objectives and characteristics of the clientele targeted by the issuer. The socio-professional data, the location and the consumer typology associated with the contacts represent the first selection paths. This match between the recipients and the commercial offer ensures an intersting return on investment and an optimized budget.

See also:

- Creating your email contact list internally, a simple and cost-effective solution

- The rental of addresses, a handy tool for professional emailing

- The legislation regarding email address files, a regulation that concerns emailing

- Unsubscribing from a newsletter, a key step of professional emailing

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