A statistic on the addressees of the message who followed one of the offered links

The click-through rate is a common figure in email marketing. You obtain it by comparing the number of users' clicks with the quantity of messages that were sent. By “click”, we mean that the addressee did not only open the email but that he also followed an image link or a text link that took him to the message sender's website.

Viewing one's click-through rate on Mailpro

MailPro offers users several tools to view their click-through rates and know the details on this figure. Thus, they can access a lot of information :

  • The most popular links, the ones on which the addressees of the mail clicked most often. This can enable you to see what images or what texts most caught their viewers' attention.

  • The list of the email addresses of the individuals who clicked on one of the links, and also the date and the time on which they did it

  • Comparison graphs between opening rates and click-through rates, enabling you to know whether the people who read the email tended to click on one of the links or not.

How to increase one's click-through rate

Basically, an email presented in the HTML format tends to improve the click-through rate : there are more displaying possibilities than with a plain message and HTML messages are more attractive.

Moreover, in the email, it is more efficient to insert calls-to-action, images on which the addressee can click to directly go to the client's website. These images must be visible and eye-catching so that the user may intuitively know that it is possible to click on them and so that he may feel like doing so. According to a study conducted on 5000 SMEs that use Mailpro, the click-through rate increases by 17 %whenvisual buttons are present rather than standard text or images. This is the reason why Mailpro comprises a creation and insertion tool for these buttons in emails.

Then, it proves to be a good thing to insert the relevant information and links at the very beginning of the message. Few people read long texts and it is better to give priority to short catchphrases, which incite the reader to visit the email sender's website.

As a conclusion, it remains essential to respect targets. Addressees need to feel concerned by the information they receive and to feel considered by the sender. An email campaign that incites people to click needs to show prospects that it is not only an ad or spam but rather a clear, concise and respectful message that offers information that they are likely to be interested in and the detail of which can be accessed through the provided links.

You may also discover :
- The reactivity rate of an email campaign, the barometer of performance

- The opening rate of an email campaign, to measure one's eye-catching capacity

- The unsubscription rate, to measure the interest generated by the email campaign

- The NFTA rate, which testifies to the deliverability of an email contact list

- Geolocation, a customising feature for email marketing campaigns

- Knowing the mail clients of one's prospects so as to customise one's emails

- Knowing the operating systems used by prospects to improve one's emails

Also read our blog article on Email Marketing Metrics.

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