Communicate about a recurring event via newsletter thanks by using our website

A festival is already an incredible organization in itself, but what is essential for it is its public, before anything else of course. To promote the coming of your event, nothing beats a regular newsletter that informs the public about your programme developments. Our site is there to simplify this task thanks to anintuitive online software, offering customization and a wide choice of themes. Email marketing campaigns have never been so easy.

Newsletter: an indispensable tool for festivals

Where would be a festival without its audience? Communication is essential to these events to exist and develop. Thanks toquality and regular email marketing campaigns, you can retain the attention of your audience while working to develop the notoriety of your festival throughout the year in parallel to your organization. By maintaining this connection, and by engaging a new audience who is potentially interested in your business, you may be surprised by the results in terms of reputation or attendance. Announcing your program, creating fanfare, conducting surveys or sharing testimonials, will help you keep a strong connection with those who follow you. And for your future audience, the broadcasting of photos or interviews will eventually convince them to come and discover you.

Our email campaign dedicated software

Thanks to our simple and intuitive interface and our many themes ready to be fiiled with photos and content, you will create very professional newsletters with the colors of your event in only a few minutes.

In just a few clicks, you can add photographs, logos, text, but also custom fields with the names and surnames of your viewers, as well as more than 20 other customizable fields. This is all it takes to give character to your mailings and remind your audience just how exciting your event will be.

See also:

- Discover our newsletter software for hotel email marketing campaigns

- Software for creating newsletters dedicated to restaurant e-mailing

- Municipalities, communicate effectively thanks to our Mailpro Email Marketing Software

- Real Estate Agency email marketing campaigns thanks to our Mailpro software

- Our Email Marketing Software to serve your e-commerce prospects

- Use our Email Marketing Software when managing an auditorium

Email Marketing Software & Email Automation

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