Create your newsletters for an ongoing contact with your customers

Far from offering only a comfortable stay, a hotel must create news to attract, capture and retain its clientele. For this, email marketing is an efficient solution at a lower cost that our newsletter software offers you to accomplish in all simplicity. Sending a newsletter to keep in touch with your customers has never been easier.

Inform your customers with effective email marketing campaigns

To retain your existing customers, nothing beats a newsletter dealing with the news concerning your business. Whether it is a new décor, a change of chef, an additional service or a special offer, your customers will appreciate to periodically receive your information. And for special events, such as New Year's Eve or a partnered event with a tour operator, you can count on a much more effective return if your target already follows you regularly.

Furthermore, by investing in address files corresponding to your field of activity, you can, with an effective email campaign, capture a whole new audience and thus increase your clientele in a few clicks Moreover, by investing in address files corresponding to your field of activity, you can, with an effective email campaign, capture a whole new audience and thus increase your clientele in only a few clicks.

Customize your newsletters for guaranteed client loyalty

Our newsletter designing software is optimized for demanding email marketing campaigns. Thus, by filling in the custom fields by segmenting your address file, you can precisely target the information that you transmit to each audience with ease.

You can also, by easily inserting pre-programmed spaces, make each mail personalized according to his or her recipient. For tourists, you can cover the charming elements to discover around the hotel, and for business travelers, work on more professional marketing, with special offers, invitations to congresses, promotions, etc.

Take advantage of our free themes to create a professional looking email campaign in just a few minutes

See also:

Software for creating newsletters dedicated to restaurant newsletters

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Email Marketing Software & Email Automation

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