Get statistics with your site and Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool developed by Google to analyze visits to its website.

Webmasters use this type of "tracer" software to analyze the flow of visits to a website with accurate statistics. Advertisers will also be part of Google analyzer users, in order to get information about the generated visits. Indeed, it's possible to create links between a Mailpro™ email campaign and the tracking of Google Analytics.

The Google tracer will allow to find out where a visitor comes from, but also, what emailing triggered his or her visit and even what element in the newsletter was responsible for it. To benefit from this tracking, it's necessary to optimize the links present in your newsletters and email marketing.

The implementation of such a system is not complicated. When creating your email marketing, it's enough to include additional elements between the tags of the URL links. The aim is to gather information about the campaign that leads to the visits. For newcomers to web programming, Google offers a tool to help create self-service links on the Web. Here are the options to specify, note that the first three are mandatory:

Using Google Analytics in Email Marketing
  • The source of the campaign, which actually corresponds to the origin of the link, such as a search engine. It is expressed by the keyword"utm_source".
  • Campaign support, for advertisers we'll usually find emailings or newsletters. This option is expressed by the keyword "utm_support".
  • The campaign name expressed by the keyword"utm_campaign".
  • The terms of the campaign under the option"utm_term"the keywords describing the link.
  • The content of the campaign placed underutm_contentwhich makes it possible to differentiate the links that refer to the same URL.

Create your links by simply inserting the keyword followed by a = with the desired variable and separate the parameters with a &.

The easiest way is to go through the Google URL creator which is free.

Thanks to Google Analytics, it is now possible to highlight the elements of an emailing that are the best performing. For example, assume that an emailing contains a promotion for a particular product. We can see in this email a clickable photo of the product redirecting to the product file, as well as a title -- also clickable -- with the same redirection. When analyzing the web page corresponding to the product sheet, it will then be possible to see if the link of the image has brought more visits than the link of the title.

Be careful not to forget to check the Mailpro ™ statistics. Indeed, Google Analytics does not provide information on your emailings per se, but only on the visits generated by them. Opening rate information, email addresses, and clickthrough rates can be found in the Mailpro ™ tracking.

To conclude, Google Analytics can be a complement to Mailpro™ statistics, because it allows behavior analysis after the click. Advanced users will also be able to take advantage of the use of variables in Mailpro™ to optimize the parameters of Google's tracking links (usage of fields or email).

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