Viral marketing, a cost-effective way to send messages to contacts

Sponsorship offers a reward for existing customers when they bring additional leads to the sponsor. As one of the techniques of viral marketing, it can be used to build a contact file to be approached by emailing and subject to the installation of a simple mechanism. However, an email campaign can not immediately begin in this context. It is important to respect both a charter of good conduct and to deepen the qualification of the the prospects.

Building Effective Sponsorship

In order to encourage the user to make the sponsor aware of his or her family, the act of offering a simple sponsorship mechanism and an attractive gratification is essential. An effective solution is to integrate this approach into the company's website or email campaigns, through dedicated links or buttons. These will provide one-click access to an entry and storage module in an address file. Offering gifts or financial rewards consistent with the brand environment also ensures better efficiency.

A strictly controlled email communication

Due to the absence of explicit consent to receive messages by its recipient, the address obtained can only be approached in compliance with the charter on the collection of "names of friends", promulgated by the French Union of Direct Marketing and validated by the CNIL. The principle for emailing is to prospect the sponsored only once. To invite the latter to join your file opt-in in a single e-mail is an elegant solution, which you can complete with better qualification.

See also:

- Use a contest to easily and quickly create an email contact list

- Subscription to a newsletter, an effective recruitment tool for emailing

- Use affiliation to easily create an email contact list

- Recommendations are an effective solution for building an email contact list

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