Email marketing stands as one of the most powerful tools in the digital marketing arsenal, offering unparalleled reach and engagement opportunities. At its core, email marketing involves sending targeted messages to a group of pe...
When configuring the SMTP Relay server to your email or application, it is common for doubts to arise about which email ports to use. So, what kind of ports should you use? Which are safe and secure? In this article we will brief...
What is a Good Open Rate for Email ? Introduction: Understanding Email Open Rates In today's digital landscape, email marketing continues to be a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience. One of the fun...
What is SPF Email and How does SPF Email work? In the ever-evolving landscape of digital communication, email remains a cornerstone of business correspondence and marketing. However, as the volume of email exchanges increases, ...
What is a Copy? Understanding the Power of Persuasive Writing in Marketing In the bustling world of marketing, where every word counts and every message competes for attention, the art of copywriting stands as a beacon of persu...
Domain names are an important part of the internet and are usually what people type into their web browser to access a website. Your domain name is your website's address on the internet - for example, is the domain na...
What is the Best Font for Email? Email has evolved to become a cornerstone of modern communication, intertwining the lives of individuals and communities worldwide. In the fabric of the first half of 2022, an astounding 3.333.2...
In the digital age, email remains a fundamental tool for business communication. However, the ease and speed of email can sometimes lead to lapses in professionalism and clarity. This is where business email etiquette comes in...
Email is one of the most important tools in our digital age, and so it’s important to get your email footers right. Having a good email footer can help you look more professional, increase customer confidence, and make sure your ...
If you use transactional emails in your business every day, you may have heard the term SMTP. The SMTP protocol is very important because it makes a big difference in the emails you send to your customers and in your delivery c...
An email marketing plan is a critical component of any marketing strategy. Email is the most cost-effective way to market your products, engage with consumers, and achieve your business objectives. And, on average, you can expect...
What is Direct Marketing and How to Succeed at It In the vast ocean of marketing strategies, direct marketing emerges as a beacon of personalization and engagement, offering a direct line to your customers without the clutter o...
In 2019, there were an estimated 3.8 billion email subscribersworldwide. With half of the world's population using email and the capacity to reach consumers at any time of day or night, email marketing remains an essential approa...
Considering the ROI generated through email marketing for various businesses, we can conclude that email marketing is here to stay. This is why we at Mailpro are working hard to meet our clients’ marketing demands. Digital market...
How many emails have you received with headings such as "You won the lottery" or "Lose Weight with this Natural remedy", "Gain financial freedom today.” Phrases or words like these are known as spam words. Using terms like ...
What is a newsletter and How to Create a Newsletter Step by Step I. Introduction to Newsletters Hey there! Welcome to our guide on newsletters. If you're wondering what newslettersare all about and how to create ...
Creating a marketing plan is one of the most important things a business can do to succeed. A marketing plan outlines the specific actions that will be taken in order to achieve certain marketing objectives. It's most commonly use...
Are you looking for an easy and efficient way to create newsletters? Look no further than drag and drop editors! With Mailpro&s drag and drop technology, creating beautiful emails is easier than ever before - even if you don't h...
Mailpro recently launched it&s Email Marketing Benchmark for you to study your metrics and see where you stand compare to others in your industry or your region. Email plays a vital role in any marketing strategy. Quality content...
Chatbots are computer programs that simulate human conversation. They are used by businesses to provide customer service, and can be used for other purposes such as marketing and sales. Chatbots are becoming more popular, and mor...
Too many potential customers unsubscribing marketing-emails can never be good for businesses. It can make a significant dent in the profits. And imagine putting more and more effort to drafting perfect emails, yet users keep unsu...
TheWeb Marketinglooks so easy; actually everyone is using it, thus a beginner may feel that he can manage it himself without too much trouble. It is true; however you need to know some rules, not always followed by advertisers, w...
One of the greatest advantages of e-mail campaigns is that with the help of tracking you can determine the problems in a campaign or on the contrary the actions that are profitable to the turnover. The stats enable to have an obj...
Survey branching, also known as skip logic, is a powerful feature in online surveys that allows respondents to be directed to different questions based on their previous answers. This dynamic approach not only makes the survey mo...

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