Email Marketing Blog (2024) | Page 7

Even if our world has changed so much since the last Valentine's Day, February 14 is a pleasant occasion for both lovers and marketers. While couples express their affections with presents and personal dinners, businesses quadrup...
Email is the core of the marketing channel for all sizes and shapes of brands. Email is contributing factor in organizational growth and marketing success. The email marketing campaign statistics let you determine if you can f...
Finally, Halloween is knocking on the doors once again, and people from all over the world are excited to celebrate it. When thinking about Halloween, what come to our minds are faces on pumpkins, spooky decorations, and scary c...
Let’s face it- newsletters are one of the most effective ways for your company to convey the latest news and updates to followers and clients. These are quite effective in generating sales and leads, helping your business grow. ...
Let’s face it, today, modern teams work cross-functionally, remote across departments and time zones. While email remains the predominant way of communication, it is not conducive to a collaborative environment. As an ideal one-o...
An email campaign involves many people, and everyone has different roles related to each other. To make a campaign successful, collaboration is the key and to make it easy, Mailpro introduces a multi-user account. This is one of...
Did you know 40% of B2B marketers believe that email newsletters are the most crucial tactic in their email marketing strategy? While email marketing is not a new approach, many marketers are still striving to maintain and grow t...
Do you know what is one of the major challenges in email marketing campaigns nowadays? Perhaps, it is not the emails opened or deliverability rate, but recipients to take action and click on email campaigns once they open and rea...
Marketers are going a long way to ensure that they get every bit of visibility out of email marketing. In the last five years, mobile users have increased email usage by 30%. By now, the number of people who use email on mobile d...
Too many potential customers unsubscribing marketing-emails can never be good for businesses. It can make a significant dent in the profits. And imagine putting more and more effort to drafting perfect emails, yet users keep unsu...
Mailpro is sensitive to your requirements and follows the industry’s best practices. Keeping this into consideration, we are excited to announce that we are soon launching the black mode of Mailpro. Why, you ask? To protect your ...
There is a great need to measure the activities marketers are doing to enhance your business’s value and success. It should be done to analyze the data that your client views and understand their way towards your services. In thi...
To improve the experience of users, online stores use some strategies like technology enhancements or marketing tactics that are known as e-commerce trends. To convert customers and make them trustworthy towards your brand, an on...
Considering the ROI generated through email marketing for various businesses, we can conclude that email marketing is here to stay. This is why we at Mailpro are working hard to meet our clients’ marketing demands. Digital market...
Introduction to Email Segmentation Email segmentation sounds like a fancy term, but it's really just about making sure that the emails you send feel personal and relevant to the people receiving them. Imagine you're hos...
If you have already tested the waters through email marketing, you must have heard about the term tags.So what are tags and what is all this hype surrounding them? This is what this article is all about. Here, we will talk about ...
While it is bad not to be able to land in your potential customers’ inbox, it is worse to lose an existing customer.“We miss you,” “Where have you been?” “Long time, no see”are magical phrases ...
Do you know the most important part of your email marketing campaign? It is the email list.Email list plays such an important role that you can determine the performance of your online marketing campaign, user engagement, and gen...
With 2.9 billion users across the globe, social media may seem like the future. Still, surprisingly enough, email marketing is also running with social media side by side at the same pace. Being a tried a tested approach, email m...
Whether it’s selecting the right graphics, segmenting your audience, or writing relevant email copies - you’ve done everything for your email campaign! After all these efforts, are your emails still getting bounced? Truth be told...

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